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Welcome from the President

Welcome to JSerra! As you make your way through these pages, I encourage you to read our core beliefs as well as peruse the biographies of our faculty and administration. These two areas in particular will provide you with important insights into our core tenets as a Catholic institution and the people most responsible for upholding them.

I'm often asked by families, "Why should we choose JSerra?" In a world dominated by sound bytes, tweets, and posts, it is difficult to answer this question with a quick turn of phrase. Nevertheless, let me try . . .

If you're a parent, consider choosing JSerra because you want your daughter or son to learn what it takes to be truly happy in life. High school naturally provides for teenagers their fair share of ups and downs, successes and disappointments. We strive to provide the formation and perspective necessary for our students to meet these challenges head on and grow in faith, intellect, and character as a result.

If you're a student, consider joining Lion nation because you seek a place where teachers and other staff members know you by name and challenge you to be the best version of yourself that God has created you to be. Our vision for you extends well beyond these next four years. In fact, we're just as concerned about the grades you earn "today" as the decisions you'll make "tomorrow" regarding your future spouse, profession, and faith journey.

If your curiosity is piqued after spending time on our website, I strongly encourage you to personally visit our campus. Come see first-hand the vibrancy of a school culture that is built upon our dynamic Catholic faith tradition and a desire to offer a personalized education to each and every young man and woman of JSerra.

I look forward to meeting you!

Warmest regards,

President's signature above his name

Richard T. Meyer

Our vision for you extends well beyond these next four years.Rich Meyer, President


Led by the President, the leadership team is charged with overseeing the academic, co-curricular, and spiritual integrity of the school. In partnership with staff, faculty, and parents, we execute the strategic initiatives set by the Board of Directors.

Rich Meyer

Rich Meyer

Eric Stroupe

Eric Stroupe

Patrick Reidy

Patrick Reidy

Vice President of Mission and Faith
Tiffany King

Tiffany King

Vice President of Finance
Tony Roberts

Tony Roberts

Vice President of School Relations
Chris Harrington

Chris Harrington

Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Denise Pascoe

Denise Pascoe

Vice Principal of Academics
Zach Eckert

Zach Eckert

Vice Principal of Student Formation and Leadership
Chris Ledyard

Chris Ledyard

Director of Athletics


JSerra’s Board of Directors is comprised of parents and other members of the school community. Their time and talent are critical to our success.


Kevin Tiber


Vice Chairman

Michael Treska



  • Sean Andersen
  • Daryl Carter
  • Michael Freeman
  • Charlie Haggard
  • Col. James Herrera
  • Shannon Jenkins
  • Gabby Kewell '09
  • Lisa Merage
  • Rich Meyer
  • Mike Myers
  • Coco Peate
  • Fr. Michael St. Paul
  • Katie Szyman
  • Tara Titus
  • Nick Tonsich