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Catholic Education: Total Integration

Dr. Brett Salkeld has become a leader in the work of integrating Catholic principles across disciplines within Catholic schools. But what does that actually look like? And why is it important at all? As Dr. Salkeld asked these questions himself and tried to articulate a response, he realized that although a lot of people were already doing this work in Catholic schools, there was no written resource to assist them. Embracing the challenge, he wrote the book himself. Since then, he has been visiting dioceses and schools across the country conducting workshops on how to involve God in every discipline, which he discovered, not only increases students’ joy for learning, but connects every subject back to its source, the person of Jesus Christ. In this podcast, Dr. Salkeld explains how teachers and school leaders can embark upon this critical project for the good of their students, and how parents can parallel the school’s work at home. Together, he shows us enthusiastically how to cultivate virtuous young men and women who will have a transformational impact on the culture.

You can listen to the podcast below, or download from Apple Podcasts.


Dr. Brett Salkeld is Archdiocesan Theologian for the Archdiocese of Regina, where he is responsible, among other things, for deaconate formation.  Brett is a sought-after speaker on many topics related to the Catholic faith. He serves the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops as a member of the Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue in Canada. He hosts a weekly podcast with Deacon Eric Gurash  called Thinking Faith!  He is the author of several books, entitled:

  • Can Catholics and Evangelicals Agree about Purgatory and the Last Judgment? 
  • How Far Can We Go? A Catholic Guide to Sex and Dating (with Leah Perrault)
  • Transubstantiation: Theology, History, and Christian Unity

He has spent the past year traveling and speaking in support of his latest book, Educating for Eternity: A Teacher’s Companion for Making Every Class Catholic. In conjunction with the book’s release, Brett has started an online community where teachers and administrators can network and share practical ideas and lesson plans around Catholic curricular integration.

Brett was baptized in St. Wenceslaus Parish in Gerald, Saskatchewan, where he grew up. He  lives with his wife Flannery and their seven children in Regina.