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Cara Morales returns to the JSerra podcast studio, this time to share with parents of teen and tween girls the causes of and solutions to a growing social epidemic: mean girls. Having spoken to the entire JSerra female student population, Cara shares her approach to reaching the hearts of young women who are often both suffering from and contributing to the mean girl culture. In her trademark manner, Cara analyzes some of the major causes of the sharp spike in nastiness among young female teens with laser-like precision and offers insights that can help parents and educators curb this ever-growing American phenomenon.
You can listed to the podcast below, or download from Apple Podcasts.
Cara Morales is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and national speaker as well as the founder of JSerra’s personal counseling department and Identity Formation Program. After teaching for several years in theology initiating the school’s campus ministry program, Cara felt called to pursue her LMFT so she could serve the teens she was teaching in a more impactful way. She met daily with teens and parents to provide advice and transformational counseling at JSerra from 2003-2018.
Besides running a private counseling practice full time for the last five years, she coaches an online community of parents called “Powerfully Connected Parenting” (See facebook.com/powefullyconnectedparentingteens). She and her husband reside in Idaho with their three children.