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Christian Service

Our Christian Service program seeks to develop the virtues of magnanimity, compassion, and generosity in each student through practice of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

JSerra students are expected to serve their fellow man through acts of charity — especially as it relates to the underprivileged and those in greatest need. Although many service opportunities will be presented to students throughout their time at JSerra, student-initiated opportunities are welcomed as well.

The Christian Service Program is an essential part of the JSerra experience. Besides being a requirement for graduation, this aspect of a JSerra education is integral to the human and spiritual formation of our students. We believe that we belong to each other, that our students can learn through Christian Service to love and care for others in a new and deeper way.

Service Opportunities

JSerra Campus Ministry provides a list of suggested organizations with which the students can work via a Christian Service software called x2VOL as well as the the "Christian Service" page under the Parent-Student Den. Students are welcome to suggest other organizations not listed on the school’s list, but such opportunities must align with the Christian service goals and be approved first by Campus Ministry.

Our aim is to assist JSerra students in identifying charities for which students can perform Christian service and practice the type of love that we are made for. There are many sources for Christian Service projects — including but not limited to:

  • Classroom sign-ups
  • Service organization days
  • JSerra leaders spearheading project


Contact Campus Minister Sarah Abudlla at sabdulla@jserra.org for more information.