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The JSerra Nurse's Office provides students and school staff with basic health care, first aid, and health counseling that emphasizes illness prevention.

It is staffed with one full-time R.N. and three part-time R.N.'s during the regular school year, but not during the summer. There is NO NURSE on staff on the weekends. Nurses will return all calls and or emails within 24 hours of returning back to the office on Monday morning.

Your student has a right to privacy and confidentiality of health records and information. This includes maintaining student's health records and files in a confidential manner and sharing information appropriately.

NOTE: the Nurse's Office provides a confidential setting to discuss private matters. All efforts are made to keep health matters and information confidential and secure.

The Nurse's Office is located on the first floor of the Administration Building outside the Counseling Department.

Health questions and/or concerns from our JSerra families are encouraged. Please feel free to contact the Nurse's Office at 949.493.9028, or email us at nurse@jserra.org. The Nurse's Office is open during regular school hours.


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