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Parents As Primary Educators, Part 3: It Starts with You

Listen to Deacon Harold, the “Dynamic Deacon,” as he coaches parents in concrete ways to lay the foundation for their sons’ and daughters’ growth in personal maturity. Pulling from talking points he shared the evening before in his presentation to JSerra parents, Deacon extrapolates on: What ;”e Church means when it calls parents “educators”; the importance of one-on-one time with children as well as weekly family time; modelling Christ-like behavior; taking full advantage of “teachable moments”; and the what and the why of discipline in the life of our kids. You will walk away from this conversation edified, inspired, and full of ideas for how to be the primary educator your children need… and God made you to be!

You can listed to the podcast below, or download from Apple Podcasts.


Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is an author, radio and television host, and dynamic international speaker who travels extensively and gives conferences and retreats on just about every Catholic topic imaginable from marriage and family to prayer, the sacraments, discernment, male spirituality, the feminine genius, and pro-life issues. He received his Bachelor’s from the University of Notre Dame and his Master’s from University of Dallas. He is currently on a nation-wide tour entitled, “Awake, Not Woke.”  Deacon has written on a multitude of topics and among his numerous books is his latest release, “Building a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to Racism.” You can find his books, videos, and much of his programming on his website at deaconharold.com. Deacon is a Benedictine Oblate with a deep and penetrating spiritual life, from which his written and spoken content flows. He and his wife, Colleen, have raised four children and reside in Oregon.